Human Rights Management
Rapid changes in economic, social and politics including expanding of the company’s business and PRIME group’s company. Resulted the business activity throughout the value chain which is complex and related to the variety of stakeholders, that may affect the stakeholders on human rights.
The company has “The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights Policy” by commit to the implementation of UN Global Compact, the international guidelines for social responsibility (ISO 26000), Universal Declaration of Human Rights; UDHR and United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; UNGP. To show responsibility and confidence in operation that respects human rights as a policy commitment. Watch out to check human rights thoroughly (Human Rights Due Diligence). Evaluate the impact in every process of business operations that affects human rights (Human Rights Impact Assessment) and determine the remedy, when actions or participation in actions that cause negative impacts of human rights (Access to Remedies), including risk assessment and risk indicators.
In the past year and year 2023, the company and PRIME group’s company had no incidents related to human rights violations.